
Dogs + Pet Services

  • Children and Shelties often go well together. Both like to run around and make lots of noise. Don't be surprised, though, if you find your Sheltie attempting to herd your children into a tight little circle. When tapping into his heritage, the Sheltie does not distinguish between a herd of sheep and a herd of kids.

  • The dignified, independent Shiba Inu may seem more like a cat than a dog - particularly to those whom he does not know. However, those who are privileged to be part of the pack know that this ancient Japanese breed bonds strongly to his human family - and can be surprisingly fun-loving.

  • The Shih Tzu is among the world's most loving, attentive, affectionate, sweet, and mild-mannered breeds. Content to sit on your lap, in your handbag, or at your feet for hours, Shih Tzu want nothing in life other than to love and be loved by a favorite person.

  • Is your dog lovable, smart, and obedient? Is she/he also really good-looking? If you want others to know just how great your dog is, perhaps you should consider showing them off!

  • It takes a will of iron to pull a sled for miles over frozen tundra, so Siberian Huskies can be a bit obstinate. However, they are also smart, fun-loving and always ready for a game.

  • Dogs can become stressed just as we can. Since we know how stress makes us feel, we want to help lessen our pet’s feelings of stress too. There are many signs of stress that can mimic normal dog behaviors. Being aware of your dog’s regular demeanor allows you to understand changes in behavior that may indicate stress. If your dog becomes consistently stressed, see your veterinarian.

  • The Silky is truly a terrier; thus, they can be scamps, scattering laundry about the house, staring down the pet guinea pig in its cage, barking a welcome or warning to all who walk down the street. Yet, they can be charming, fun and great companions.

  • A biopsy is one of the more common diagnostic procedures performed in dogs. Biopsies provide valuable insight into the type of cells in an abnormal area of skin or a skin growth and whether the growth poses a more serious health threat to your pet. Either the entire mass or a small representative section of skin is removed and submitted to a veterinary pathologist, who will perform a histopathology analysis. The pathologist will attempt to determine the nature of the lesion, identify the type of cells and their relationship to each other, as well as any evidence of malignancy.

  • Still the strong diggers with good hearing and good sense they were originally bred to be, Skye Terriers think for themselves and do their jobs without instruction. Crackerjack vermin hunters, personal guardians, and devoted companions, Skyes take life seriously and won't give up or give in when they think it's important.

  • The Smooth Fox Terrier loves to play, and he's always up for a good game of fetch (although he might not bring the ball back), tug-of-war (he doesn't like to lose), or just lots of running around, hiking, exploring, sniffing, and barking.

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Monday7:00am – 8:00pm
Tuesday7:00am – 8:00pm
Wednesday7:00am – 8:00pm
Thursday7:00am – 8:00pm
Friday7:00am – 8:00pm
Saturday7:00am – 1:00pm