
  • Vaccinations are important to prevent serious illness in cats. Even cats that spend all their time indoors should be vaccinated. Some viruses can be carried into your home on inanimate objects such as shoes and clothing, therefore infecting your cat without her coming into contact with another animal. Your veterinarian is your most important resource in determining what vaccinations you need to give your cat to keep her protected.

  • Tapeworm Infection in Cats

    Los gusanos planos son parásitos intestinales de los perros y los gatos. Forman parte del grupo de los cestodos. Pertenecen a una familia diferente de la de los gusanos gancho y gusanos redondos, que son otros gusanos intestinales comunes en perros y gatos. Hay diferentes tipos de gusanos redondos infectivos en gatos. El más común de todos con diferencia es el Dipylidium caninum.

  • Roundworm Infection in Cats

    Los gusanos redondos son uno de los parásitos intestinales más comunes en gatos. En gatitos, pueden llegar a provocar enfermedad grave, incluso la muerte. Cómo su nombre indica, son unos gusanos redondos y alargados, con una longitud media de 8–15 cm (3–6).

  • Infertility in a queen (an intact female cat) is defined as the inability to give birth to live kittens, despite appropriate breeding with a fertile male. This handout provides an outline of common causes of infertility along with how they are diagnosed and, when possible, treated.

  • Male infertility refers to the inability of a sexually mature tomcat (intact male cat) to impregnate a fertile female. This handout explains the possible causes of infertility in male cats as well as how they may be diagnosed and, when possible, treated.

  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a syndrome affecting the stomach and/or intestines that can cause vomiting, diarrhea, or weight loss. It is considered a chronic condition that may have a good prognosis, though a diagnosis is not always easy. Treatment may involve a diet change, medications, or both and will need to be closely followed to prevent relapses.

  • Cats are curious by nature, which can lead them into trouble, especially when they ingest items not meant to be eaten, such as thread, wool, paper, rubber bands, plant materials, and small toys. While some will pass through the digestive tract, some foreign bodies can cause serious problems. This handout explains foreign bodies in the intestinal tracts of cats and reviews clinical signs, diagnostic tests, treatment, and the prognosis of these situations.

  • A hernia occurs when a body part or internal organ protrudes through the wall of muscle or tissue meant to contain it. In the case of an inguinal hernia, these internal organs or structures have managed to make their way through the inguinal ring (an opening in the abdominal wall near the pelvis) to protrude into the groin area. The condition itself can be broadly classified as either acquired or congenital. In general, it is best to surgically repair an inguinal hernia at the time of diagnosis, as delaying can result in a more complicated and difficult procedure.

  • Otitis interna is a serious condition that can cause significant signs in your cat, including drooling from the side of the mouth, difficulty eating, inability to blink, and drooping eyelids, lips, and nostrils on the affected side. Treatment may involve long-term medications if the underlying cause can be identified, such as bacterial or fungal infection. Less commonly, surgery may be needed. Many cats will respond to treatment and recover well.

  • Cesarean Sections in Cats – Post-Operative Instructions

    Una cesárea es una cirugía que se realiza para sacar los gatitos del útero. Normalmente se realiza como un procedimiento de urgencia cuando el parto natural está teniendo problemas.

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