
Cats + English

  • Punishment is not recommended as a training or behavior management tool for pets. It can cause fear, frustration, and even aggression. Using punishment can seriously damage a pet’s relationship with people. Training should focus on teaching desirable behaviors rather than on simply stopping undesirable ones. When pets exhibit undesirable behaviors, it is important to determine and address the underlying reason for the behavior.

  • Xanthine bladder stones are an uncommon type of urinary stone that can occur in both dogs and cats. Xanthine is produced when purines (a component of animal proteins) are broken down within the body. Most cats can further break down xanthine into other substances that are easily excreted, but some cats are deficient in an enzyme that is required for this breakdown to occur. These cats develop elevated levels of xanthine in the urine, resulting in xanthine stones forming within the urinary tract. Xanthine urinary tract stones are typically removed surgically. Affected cats require long-term care to prevent recurrence.

  • Pets and people need some zinc in their diets. However, too much zinc can cause serious health problems. The amount of zinc required to cause poisoning depends upon the pet’s size, the form of zinc ingested, and how much was ingested. Some forms of zinc are more readily absorbed than others.

  • Zonisamide is an off-label, oral, systemic medication used to treat seizures alone or with other anticonvulsants. Side effects include sedation, uncoordinated walking, inappetence, liver disease, urinary stones, and metabolic acidosis. It is contraindicated in patients with liver disease or in pregnant or breeding animals.

  • A zoonosis is a disease or infection that can be transmitted from animals to humans. Although cats only pose a mild risk of causing disease in humans, those with immunosuppressive conditions such as HIV or those receiving chemotherapy are at higher risk of becoming ill from these infections. The most common and significant infections that humans can get from their cats include rabies, cat scratch disease, toxoplasmosis, and ringworm. Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) are not zoonotic. Hygiene plays an important role in preventing the spread of these diseases, as well as preventive medicine for your cat, including regular deworming and external parasite preventives. Keep your cat indoors to minimize exposure to zoonotic diseases.

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Monday7:00am – 8:00pm
Tuesday7:00am – 8:00pm
Wednesday7:00am – 8:00pm
Thursday7:00am – 8:00pm
Friday7:00am – 8:00pm
Saturday7:00am – 1:00pm