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Feb 06 2020

Not all Superheroes Wear Capes!

If you tuned in to watch Super Bowl LIV this past Sunday (and who didn’t?!), not only did you see an exciting championship game with the Kansas City Chiefs mounting an incredible comeback in the fourth-quarter to beat the San Francisco 49ers, but you probably enjoyed the commercials too!

When thinking of great Super Bowl commercials of the past, advertisements featuring animals may come to mind. Many of the memorable ads have featured the Budweiser Clydesdales and Dalmatians, and Labrador Retrievers – remember “Puppy Love” from 2014?!

The commercials featured in this year’s Super Bowl certainly didn’t disappoint! One of the most talked about commercials is the one featuring “Scout”, the WeatherTech mascot. Scout has previously been featured in Super Bowl ads promoting WeatherTech products, but this year, Scout and the phenomenal team at The University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine were front and center.

In July of 2019, Scout was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer affecting his heart and was given a poor prognosis; however, Scout’s owner, the founder of WeatherTech, wasn’t willing to give up hope. He took Scout see the veterinarians at The University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine, hoping for a miracle. The veterinarians at UW Veterinary Care quickly stabilized Scout and came up with a life-saving plan. Scout received radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy as part of a multimodal treatment plan and within two months, Scout’s tumor had shrunk by 90%!

This commercial didn’t promote products for WeatherTech, but instead focused on UW Veterinary Care and the people treating Scout. The commercial has brought awareness to the incredible cancer research program at The University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine. The school is a leader in cancer research with a goal of developing new diagnostics and treatments, not only for use in companion animals, but in human patients as well.

In addition to raising awareness, this Super Bowl commercial is aiming to raise funds to help support ongoing research at the world-renowned University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine. 100 percent of funds raised are being directed to The University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine and will aid cancer research – discoveries that may one day may be used to help a loved one – furry or not – in your life.

While Scout has small tumors on his lungs that he’s being treated for, he sure is a “Lucky Dog” and continues to enjoy life thanks to his heroes at The University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine.

Not all superheroes wear capes – some wear lab coats or surgical scrubs! They help to develop diagnostic procedures, treatments, and provide care for the pets that we all love so much!

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