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  • Feb 04 2021

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    February is Pet Dental Health Month

    LifeLearn Team |

    Consistent, quality dental care is just as important for your pet’s health as it is for yours. You brush your teeth daily, floss (when you remember!), and see your dentist…

  • Jan 28 2021

    Aging Dogs and Declining Curiosity

    LifeLearn Team |

    Curious puppies! When you think of a puppy, you may think of a cute little pup playing with the newly discovered doorstop or barking at himself in the mirror. Or…

  • Jan 21 2021

    This Sunday is Change a Pet’s Life Day!

    LifeLearn Team |

    This Sunday marks Change a Pet’s Life Day! This event was created by a group of animal lovers who wanted to recognize the hard work that shelter staff and volunteers…

  • Jan 14 2021

    It’s Train Your Dog Month!

    LifeLearn Team |

    Do you have a dog that lunges at other dogs, people, bicycles, or cars when you’re out on walks? Chases squirrels, rabbits, chipmunks, or worse, skunks!? Never comes when you…

  • Jan 07 2021

    January is Walk Your Pet Month

    LifeLearn Team |

    January is Walk your Pet Month! What better way to start off the New Year, than with a resolution to walk your dog more often making sure you both get…

  • Dec 17 2020

    Holiday Safety for Pets

    LifeLearn Team |

    As the holiday season approaches Christmas could look a little different for many people this year amid concerns of COVID-19 cases surging after holiday gatherings. While some people may still…

  • Dec 10 2020

    Keeping Your Pets Warm and Safe from Winter Worries

    LifeLearn Team |

    Not everyone has to experience winter’s wrath of snow, ice, rain, and windchill, but for those of us who do, winter is coming! And not everyone enjoys spending time outside…

  • Dec 03 2020

    Spoiling Your Pet This Holiday Season!

    LifeLearn Team |

    As we keep hearing in the media, many people have adopted “pandemic pets” over the past several months. With the holidays approaching, new pet owners may be looking for ideas…

  • Nov 26 2020

    Adopting Rescue Dogs Responsibly

    LifeLearn Team |

    Research has shown the benefits of having pets in our lives – dogs can have physical, mental, emotional, and social benefits. Pet owners tend to feel less lonely and have…

  • Nov 19 2020

    Thanksgiving Foods – What’s Okay to Share With Pets?

    LifeLearn Team |

    As the holidays approach indulgence is expected! But what about our pets? Can they indulge a little? While table feeding on a regular basis can lead to obesity and bad…