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  • Jun 04 2015

    Picture of two cats cuddling

    June is Adopt a Shelter Cat Month!

    According to the ASPCA, approximately 3.4 million cats enter shelters every year in the US – and of those, only 100,000 are reunited with owners, another 1.3 million are adopted – and a…

  • May 28 2015

    picture of a cat at sunset

    Does your cat go nuts at night?

    It’s the middle of the night and the “Kitty 500” has begun – the cats are running top-speed through the house, bringing toys to the bedroom, jumping on the bed, and possibly even attacking…

  • May 21 2015

    It’s National Dog Bite Prevention Week

    May 17-23 is National Dog Bite Prevention Week because any dog can bite. The AVMA has put together the infographic below to show that dog bites are a serious problem. …

  • May 14 2015

    Pets Get Arthritis Too

    May is National Arthritis Awareness Month! It’s meant for humans – but it’s a good time to talk about our pets, too. …

  • May 07 2015

    National Animal Disaster Preparedness Day

    May 9 is National Animal Disaster Preparedness Day, a great day to check on and freshen up your pet’s emergency kit. …

  • Apr 30 2015

    Preventing Outdoor Pet Poisoning

    When preparing the yard for spring, there are some dangers to our pets in surprising places. But with a little bit of planning, you can have a beautiful garden that is safe for your pets. …

  • Apr 23 2015

    What’s the deal with hairballs?

    Most cat owners are all too familiar with the gagging, hacking sounds of a cat being troubled by a hairball. While we like to joke about hairballs, and they are sometimes harmless, these wads of fur,…