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  • Oct 04 2018

    October 7-13th is Walk Your Dog Week!

    Pet Obesity Awareness Day falls within Walk Your Dog Week – coincidence? Probably not! Did you know that up to 59% of dogs worldwide are overweight?! With this staggering number, the importance of…

  • Sep 27 2018

    World Rabies Day

    September 28th marks World Rabies Day. While cases of human rabies in certain parts of the globe are rare, the number of cases that occur in developing countries, such as Africa and Asia, are in the…

  • Sep 20 2018

    Deaf Dog Awareness Week

    September 20th-29th is National Deaf Dog Awareness Week. …

  • Sep 13 2018

    Animal Pain Awareness Month

    You stub your toe, bang your elbow, or lift a heavy box the wrong way. You know you’re hurt – and others do too as you cry out in pain! But what about your furry friends? With sudden or acute…

  • Sep 11 2018

    Prepare Yourself and Your Pet for Hurricane Florence

    Experts are warning that Hurricane Florence may the strongest to hit the Carolinas and Virginia in years. Florence currently sits in the Atlantic as a Category 4, but forecasters are predicting that…

  • Sep 06 2018

    What Your Dog is Really Saying

    The ball rolls under the couch and your dog can’t reach it. He looks over at you, sticks his head under the couch with his tail wagging, and looks back over at you. What do you think he is saying to…

  • Aug 30 2018

    Pet Food and Disease? Cautions and Recalls

    Pet foods, much like human foods and food products, are constantly changing to meet consumer demands. Raw, grain free, vegetarian, and vegan pet foods are now readily available, and there are many…