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Feb 14 2019

Love Your Pet Day

February 20th is Love your Pet Day! Most of us celebrate our pets everyday of the year, but with busy schedules, sometimes we need a reminder to remember the special relationship we have with them. Be it a cat, dog, bird, rat, or turtle – whatever pet you have – take the day to give your pet some love!

Depending on which kind of pet you have, the way you celebrate your pet will, of course, be different! No matter which, there is definitely something that you can do to give your pet a special day.

Here are some ideas to help you celebrate Love Your Pet Day:

  • Snuggles! Both of you will benefit from extra snuggles – your pet will enjoy the pampering and your stress will melt away. Hugging and petting your furball even lowers blood pressure.
  • While you can’t snuggle with your reptile (or can you?!), let him out of his enclosure for some exploration and exercise – be sure to do this in a secure room that he can’t escape from.
  • Pocket pets love to explore too – especially mazes! Try making a maze out of cardboard tubes or shoeboxes. Be sure to supervise your furry little friend to make sure he doesn’t escape!
  • Go for an extra long walk! Your dog – or horse – will love you for it! Visit some place special or head to a trail in the woods. The exercise and fresh air will do you both some good.
  • Build in some extra play time. Play a longer game of fetch with your dog or plan a “pounce” party with your cat and her favorite feather toy.
  • Give your dog – or pet bird – a bath. Many dogs love a bath. Even if bath time isn’t the most favorite of activities, the after bath rub down is sure to please and there’s little that’s more fun than rolling in the grass or skidding on carpets! Birds enjoy a bath too – a light misting with a spray bottle or a dip in the sink are two ways to show your bird a little extra love.
  • Shop for your pet. Assess your pet’s belongings and see if anything looks a little tattered or worn – might a new sweater or coat, boots, blanket, or bed make your pet comfier? All looks fine? Bring home a new squeaker toy or catnip for some fun.
  • Everyone loves a treat! With National Dog Biscuit Day coming up on February 23rd, why not try making some dog treats?! Kitties love treats too – give her a favorite! If you have a pocket pet, a tasty veggie treat goes over well.

There are lots of ways to celebrate our pets and the love we have for them. Can’t decide what to do? Snuggle up, take a nap, and your pet will be happy!

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