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Nov 28 2017

It’s Official! A Royal Wedding!

A Royal Wedding is planned for spring 2018 with Meghan Markle marrying Prince Harry!

Meghan Markle has made the move to London to be with Prince Harry in Nottingham Cottage on the grounds of Kensington Palace. The romance of the engagement and plans for Royal Wedding viewing parties are all the talk, but what about Meghan’s dogs?! Meghan is currently separated from her two rescue dogs, a Beagle named Guy and a mixed Shepherd-Labrador named Bogart. It is reported that her mother is caring for the pair in Los Angeles until they can be moved into Nottingham Cottage. The United Kingdom, as with many other countries, has strict rules about bringing pet cats and dogs into the country.

When moving to another country, depending on the rules and regulations of the destination, it can be a lengthy process to move your dogs or cats along with you. Vaccinations, parasite treatments, blood tests for various bacteria, microchipping, and acquiring a Pet Passport, Import Permit, or other official veterinary documents may all be required by the destination country. Despite all the tests and treatments, some countries still require a quarantine period upon arrival. If any of these requirements have been missed or information has been recorded improperly, the pets can be denied entry into the country so it is very important to carefully follow all the directions.

Because some countries, such as Australia and the UK, are rabies free, vaccination against rabies, blood tests confirming the success of the vaccination, or a lengthy quarantine period may be necessary. To avoid disappointment if you’re travelling with your pooch or kitty, ensure that your plans include learning about the regulations of the destination country and that these plans begin long before your departure date.

In Meghan’s case, she will need to ensure that Guy and Bogart are vaccinated against rabies, are microchipped, have received other required booster vaccinations, and are treated for Echinococcus multilocularis – a species of tapeworm found in the northern hemisphere. The tapeworm treatment must occur between 1 and 5 days prior to entering the UK. All of the information regarding these procedures must be recorded into a Pet Passport or Official Veterinary Certificate so that upon arrival in the UK, the documents can be verified by airport or travel officials.

Moving a pet to another country can be complicated, but it is well worth the time it takes to have your furry friends with you – in Meghan’s case, she will likely have some assistance with the move!


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