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Jul 13 2017

Pet Fire Safety Day

Pet Fire Safety Day is July 15th so take some time this weekend to ensure that you have a fire safety plan in place that includes your pets. Make your home fire safe for your pets, and include your pets in your evacuation plan.

Preventing Pet Related Fires

Unattended candles are a no-no, especially around pets. Cats and dogs can topple a burning candle easily igniting surrounding objects, and large dogs can knock over a candle with a quick wag of their tail. Keep open flames out of reach and NEVER leave a burning candle unattended. You may consider flameless, battery-run candles. They look like real candles and are much safer.

Place flammable liquids and cleaners in cabinets away from curious pets. In addition to being fire hazards, these compounds are usually toxic if ingested.

In cold months, monitor access to fireplaces. While most pets won’t approach a hot fire, some curious pets may burn their nose on the protective glass while checking out the flickering flames. They may also nudge flammable toys or other items too close to a hot fire which could ignite before you realize they are there.

Keep electrical cords out of reach of your pets. Pets that chew on cords can suffer electrical burns to their mouths and die from electrocution. In addition, nibbling pets such as rabbits, can remove the protective insulation from wires resulting in sparks that could start a fire.

Cats have been known to jump onto a stove and inadvertently turn a stove knob and leaping dogs can also inadvertently turn a knob igniting items left on the stove top. Be sure to use knob covers or remove them and never leave items on the stove.

Make sure all your smoke detectors are in working order.

Pet Evacuation Plan

Include your pet in your family’s evacuation plan. Place decals on windows and doors identifying the type and number of pets that are located inside. This lets fire fighters know that there are pets to be rescued inside your home. Teach all family members the safest way to get out of the home. Have a leash close to your dog’s bed or crate to help you guide your dog out of the house. Establish who will be responsible for each pet, but NEVER risk your own life to rescue your pet and NEVER go back inside your home to retrieve pets. In the event of a fire, it is important to get out and stay out. Call the fire department as soon as you are outside.

Make sure your pet is identified with a microchip and/or ID tags or ID collar. Your pet may escape in the chaos of a fire and having your pet easily identified is key to your pet’s safe return.

After the Fire

Even if your pet seems fine, take her to your veterinarian for an assessment as she may have inhaled smoke. If your pet is having difficulty breathing, ask emergency workers to provide oxygen. Some rescue vehicles are equipped with oxygen masks specially made for dogs and cats.

Once the fire is out, managing the aftermath is much easier if you have a disaster kit prepared. In addition to important household documents, include your pet’s medical records, proof of vaccination, medication record, and your veterinarian contact information. This will help in case you can’t take your pet with you to a shelter or hotel and need to board your pet instead.

Losing your home to a fire is devastating, but losing your pet makes a sad situation even more difficult. Taking a few precautions and being prepared can protect your entire family from a fire in your home.

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